Editor's review
This code package provides support for MVC design pattern.
ApPHP MVC Framework is a web application framework. This provides support for modern and rapid development of websites and web applications. This tool supports OOP technology to help build robust applications. This free and open source tool is able to give you all the freedom your developers need to integrate, extend and maintain your application. The script offers high quality as it has been tested well. The code package offers you an excellent range of functions and can be delivered to you instantly through electronic download. The source is highly readable so that developers could understand the details easily and are able to extend the code quickly and easily. Embedded templates are available to make your job easier. It implements the MVC framework that makes for easy development of a special architecture, components for database access, make templates, session management and other tools. This makes the job of the developers quite easy in developing a complex web application.
PDO support is available through the framework. The tool supports active record (AR) pattern support. The framework supports the “don’t repeat yourself” and “clean separation of concern” principles; making the job of development simpler and robust. Flexible routing is possible based on configuration files. This package provides you with multi browser, multi database and multi-currency support. Caching support is implemented to make the performance of the framework quite quick. The framework presents a range of widgets that are useful. Components and modules extensions are also available. Five working demos are embedded to help the understanding of the developers. This is a very good tool.
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